Exalted Studio and Dear Villagers are working on a 3D beat-'em-up action-adventure title, and they've also left PlayStation 4 and Xbox One out of the target platforms.

Big Helmet Heroes: Big Helmets, Even Bigger Punches [VIDEO]


Exalted Studio and Dear Villagers are working on a 3D beat-’em-up action-adventure title, and they’ve also left PlayStation 4…

According to the developers of Total War: Pharaoh, Creative Assembly, players can expect new regions, dozens of settlements and a much larger map, and it's completely free...

Total War: Pharaoh Gets A Huge Update – Can It Finally Deliver What Was Promised Before Launch?!

According to the developers of Total War: Pharaoh, Creative Assembly, players can expect new regions, dozens of settlements and…

MOVIE NEWS - Sebastian Stan, known for playing the Winter Soldier in the MCU, has been cast as young Donald Trump in the upcoming film The Apprentice.

Donald Trump Has A New Role Model – A Movie Serial Killer?! [VIDEO]

MOVIE NEWS – For some reason, presidential candidate Donald Trump praises one of the biggest villains in film history…

Evidence continues to mount that another PlayStation-exclusive game will be making the jump to PC sometime shortly.

New PlayStation Leaders Elected: What Changes Can We Expect?!

Hermen Hulst heads the PlayStation studio business, while Hideaki Nishino is responsible for the platform side.     Hermen…

The full trailer of the Ancient Gods only comes on Gamescom, where the brutal DOOM Eternal will also show up.

New DOOM Announcement Coming from Microsoft in June?

The Redmond-based company will have to do everything it can to regain some of the trust of gamers, because…


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